TMR Q&A: Founder Mason Gordon on SlamBall’s Return

As traditional sports continue to thrive, we are always looking to find what’s next to engage while hoping that the shiny new toy doesn’t lose its luster. We have seen areas of esports come and go quickly, and the mania and money surrounding sports such as Pickleball, at least on the pro side, remains in flux. Women’s sports are earning great interest and growing investment, but there may be...

TMR Q&A: New WISL Managing Director Lynn Berling-Manuel Discusses Launch Plans

The Women’s Independent Soccer League (WISL) is working on gaining sanctioning from soccer’s U.S. governing body, US Soccer, and hopes to be well positioned for the inevitable tailwinds for women’s soccer coming out of the 2023 Women’s World Cup next summer in Australia and New Zealand. US Soccer’s Professional...