Team Marketing Ruminations

Tidbits, Thoughts & Tips from our Publisher… News, notes and nuggets from around sports business for Aug 1-7  ...

SportsCannaBiz: The Sponsorship Match Game

For the purposes of our SportsCannaBiz articles, we will use cannabis and marijuana interchangeably. These are products that are...

SportsCannaBiz: The Role of Brands

For the purposes of our SportsCannaBiz articles, we will use cannabis and marijuana interchangeably. These are products that are...

SportsCannaBiz: Team Trailblazers

For the purposes of our SportsCannaBiz articles, we will use cannabis and marijuana interchangeably. These are products that are often known as “pot” or “weed,” contain the compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), have psychoactive effects that give the ‘high’ sensation and are recreationally legal in 11 states and medicinally legal in 28 states. Additionally, we will refer to products containing cannabidiol (CBD) as CBD or hemp-derivative products. These products are non-psychoactive,...

SportsCannaBiz: Cannabis Sports Landscape

For the purposes of this article and those that follow, we will use cannabis and marijuana interchangeably. These are...