Sportsdigita is a technology firm founded in 2010 that specializes in creating innovative presentations to drive revenue for sports...
Scout Sports & Entertainment is a New York City-based full-service lifestyle marketing agency owned by Horizon Media. The agency...
Sportsdigita is a technology firm founded in 2010 that specializes in creating innovative presentations to drive revenue for sports...
Navigate advises brands and organizations in sports and entertainment. The use research, data, and analytics to measure and value...
Philadelphia, Pa.-based Turnkey Intelligence was founded in 1996 as part of Turnkey Sports & Entertainment. The company was spun...
Part of the global research YouGov, YouGov Sports provides teams, brands and agencies valuable consumer insights and data from...
Founded in 2009 by former Chicago Fire president John Guppy and based in suburban Naperville, Ill., Gilt Edge Soccer Marketing is built on five "pillars": Consumer Insights, Industry Insiders, Independent Status, Direct Experience and 100% Focus on soccer. Expertise includes: strategic consultancy, sponsorship management, experiential and event marketing, digital and social media marketing, consumer promotions, and public relations. Clients have included: adidas, AT&T, Alcatel, Bimbo Bakeries, FOX Sports, Heineken,...